12-15 April 2023, Budapest

Kollár-Klemencz Chamber Orchestra and Guests


Saturday 15.04. | Erzsébet tér

©Révai Sára

Returning to nature, László Kollár-Klemencz seems to have tapped into an endless source of inspiration. The ex-popstar turned recluse and his orchestra are on their fifth album melding folk, avantgarde and classical gestures with Kollár-Klemencz’s flowing lyricism. At Ritmo he invites the new generation of singer songwriters: Noémi Barkóczi (Dolgom Volt), Gergő Balla (Platon Karataev) and Sándor Csoóri aka “Sündi” (Ötödik Évszak) join him on stage, as well as seasoned masters such as János Másik and János Novák. The unique collab polishes the opaque shine of Hungarian poetry, reigniting the sacred alchemy of music and words.

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