12-15 April 2023, Budapest



Wednesday 12.04. | House of Music Hungary

Tariqa Ⓒ Gabriella Csoszo

A one-man gnawa outpost in Hungary, Said Tichiti founded an ensemble full of local flavour: Tariqa. Infused with jazzy complexity and the rawness of folk heritage, this is a unique Hungarian – Moroccan blend, true to the rapturous roots of gnawa.

The persistent guembri bass and Said’s chanting is accompanied by saxophone, trumpet, guitar, violin and drums to trance-instilling effect. Said Tichiti arrived in Budapest in 1998, enriching the music scene with Moroccan heritage in a variety of bands, soaking up his environment. He invited friends to Tariqa who, like himself, speak several musical languages: jazz, folk rock and pop. Péter Bede, Ferenc Kovács, Ádám Mészáros and András Halmos add layers to the effusion rooted in gnawa, pouring their inspiration into the unbroken stream. The result is an ever-changing, danceable ceremony connecting continents.

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