12-15 April 2023, Budapest


German/ Algerian / Slovenian documentary, sub. eng

14 April, Friday 16:30 | Toldi mozi, Nagyterem

©Peter Braatz

Personal shots from the Sahara, where machines have muted the music, interspersed with concert footage from Europe’s stages – the world of Tamikrest in a few images. Director Peter Braats met the band in Bamako in 2010, and was fully taken by their music and charisma. He went for the purest possible representation in his film: he gave members cameras to record their experiences. The images are filled with longing and quiet poetry, telling a story of the conflict-torn Azawad region, of disillusionment and rebirth. See Tamikrest live on the same evening, 10 pm in Akvárium.

Budapest Ritmo day tickets and passes grant access to all film screenings, but also individual tickets for the single screenings are available. The capacity of the venues is limited to varying degrees.

Don't miss out!